Labels:book | bulletin board | chip | monitor OCR: ELECTRONICS Multimedia Inductance and apacitance Complete analysis of the essen- tial elements in inductive and capacitative networks sonance Self- paced, self-help tutorials over 20 key subject areas Over 200 practice problems with Pro One Software division of SOFSOURCE Inc complete solutions IBM is a reg istered trademark of IBM CORPORAT TION. Other brands and products are trademarks Of their respective holders The CD. ROM disc, software pue accompanying writter materials are provided by SOF SORCE Support Hotline SOF SOURCE Inc nc "as shal not be withou responsible warranty an any kind con- Pro -505 532 -6000 use sequential or inability special to use Or this punitive product damages SOF FSOURCE arising out nc.s Of liability shall be limited solely to a refund of the purchase SYSTEM REQU ...